Luke Pierson

From, the wiki for Reformed Christianity
Luke Pierson
Birth Date Unknown
Theology Reformed Baptist
Occupation(s) Elder/Pastor
Hometown Griffith, Indiana
Residency Utah
Affiliation(s) Apologia Church (Mesa, Arizona)
Spouse(s) Cheryl (m. June 2, 2002)
Children 3

Luke Pierson is the elder/pastor of discipleship at Apologia Church (which he and Jeff Durbin began). Pierson also co-founded Apologia Studios and End Abortion Now with Jeff Durbin, and is co-host of the church’s radio and TV programs, Apologia Radio and Apologia TV. Pierson served as Vice President of Apologia Christian Ministries and has been involved in outreach to the occults and various religious groups since 2000.

Pierson is fourth generation in a long line of missionaries and full-time ministers going back to his great-grandfather in the early 1900’s. He also served in youth ministry for nine plus years, at Bethel Church in Crown Point, Indiana and at LifeQuest Church in Phoenix, Arizona.