Berean Baptist Church (Grand Blanc, Michigan)

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Berean Baptist Church (Grand Blanc, Michigan)
Church Location Grand Blanc, Michigan
Theological Tradition Reformed Baptist
Date Founded Unknown

Berean Baptist Church is a Reformed Baptist church located in Grand Blanc, Michigan that uses the 2nd London Baptist Confession (1689) for its confessional standard.

The church began as "Fenton Road Mission" in 1924 and met at an old temporary school building on the corner of Waldman and Fenton in Flint, Michigan. Later that year, the mission bought two lots on Atherton Road. The temporary school closed and for a brief period the church had to meet in a member’s garage. In August 1929, a basement was built on the Atherton Road property. Two years later in February 1931, the Fenton Road Mission was renamed to the be the church's currently used name "Berean Baptist Church".

On August 10, 1932, the State of Michigan incorporated Berean. In 1938, the basement became too small to contain the crowd. Therefore, a building program was begun in faith to enlarge the basement and add a sanctuary on top. The new building was dedicated on January 27, 1951. On October 4, 1970, ground was broken to begin construction of the present sanctuary in Grand Blanc. The church was dedicated to the work of the Lord on Sunday, April 16, 1972. Pastor Robert L. Dickie, Jr. was called as pastor in 1982 and served the church for 36 years until his retirement in 2018. On October 9, 2022, the church bestowed upon Pastor Dickie the title of "Pastor Emeritus".