James Renihan

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James Renihan
Theology Reformed Baptist
Occupation(s) Pastor, Professor
Affiliation(s) IRBS Seminary (president)
Christ Reformed Baptist Church (former pastor)
Spouse(s) Lynn Wade Renihan
Children Sam Renihan
Website IRBS Seminary webpage

James (Jim) Renihan (Ph.D.) is an American Reformed Baptist pastor, professor, and author. Renihan serves as the President of IRBS Seminary located at in Mansfield, Texas.[1]

Renihan previously served as a pastor of churches in Massachusetts, New York and California. He is a graduate of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (PhD), Seminary of the East (MDiv), Trinity Ministerial Academy, and Liberty Baptist College (BS). His academic work has focused on the 2nd London Baptist Confession (1689/77) and the broader Puritan theological context from which it arose.[2]

Notable works
