Wade Orsini

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Wade Orsini
Birth Date December 31, 1986
Theology Reformed Baptist
Occupation(s) Elder/Pastor
Hometown Newbury Park, California
Residency Utah
Affiliation(s) Apologia Church Utah
Spouse(s) Sarah
Children 1
Website apologiautah.com

Wade Orsini is the teaching elder/pastor at Apologia Church Utah. Orsini was raised up by the Elders at Apologia Church (Mesa, Arizona) for over 6 years, before being sent to plant the church in Utah in October 2021.

Wade was saved by God and became a Christian in 2012, and has since been following Christ and getting the Gospel out into the world through his evangelism efforts. He earned a Master’s in Theological Studies at Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary from 2013-2017.