David Miller

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David Miller
Birth Name Milton David Miller
Birth Date April 7, 1946
Birth Place Stringer, Mississippi
Theology Baptist (Calvistic)
Occupation(s) Internal Auditor
Residency Heber Springs, Arkansas
Spouse(s) Glenda Faye Miller

David Miller (1946-2024) was an American evangelistic pastor and preacher. Miller preached for over 50 years and referred to himself as a “Country Preacher-at-Large". He lived in Stringer, Mississippi, before moving to Arkansas in 1963. Miller, born in 1942, reportedly became a Christian as a teenager and answered the call to preaching at 18. He was a longtime member of the Southern Baptist Convention and held several positions within the denomination, including serving on the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary’s trustee board. He was also director of missions for Little Red River Baptist Association in Heber Springs, Arkansas for 25 years, and he also pastored Botkinburg Baptist Church, Rupert Baptist Church, and Belleville Baptist Church. He was a graduate of State College of Arkansas, Williams Baptist College, and Arkansas Tech. Despite his disability, Miller regularly traveled to preach the gospel, having spoken at more than 2,000 “revival meetings”. He was well-known for remarkable memorization of the Bible and his clear presentation.

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