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Adam was the first man, created by God out of the dust. He was created on the sixth day of creation in the image of God, which all his descendants also bear He dwelt in the garden of Eden.

Eve was created out of Adam's side. He called her woman, and so it has been ever since. (Read Genesis 1)

God commanded Adam and Eve concerning one tree in the garden, not to eat the fruit from it, for the moment they ate of it they would surely die. Adam disobeyed God's command, after being invited to eat by his wife, who was deceived by Satan, in the form of a serpent, and as a consequence, death entered the world. Both spiritual death, and physical death.

Adam and Eve knew good and evil, but where incapable of doing true good (righteous acts before God). And we, as their descendants, have inherited this from our father Adam. It is often referred to as total depravity.

There is only one way to escape this bondage, through the second Adam, Jesus Christ.