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Quotes on ReformedWiki.org

From the Bible

Old Testament

New Testament

From the Church Fathers

Clement of Rome

"You are fond of contention, brethren, and full of zeal about things which do not pertain to salvation. Look carefully into the Scriptures, which are the true utterances of the Holy Spirit.  Observe that nothing of an unjust or counterfeit character is written in them." - The Epistle of Clement 45:1-3

Augustine of Hippo

"Love, and do as you will" - From a sermon on Love

From the Reformers

John Calvin

"Our wisdom, in so far as it ought to be deemed true and solid wisdom, consists almost entirely of two parts: the knowledge of God and of ourselves." - From Institutes of the Christian Religion

From Reformed Ministers

From other Ministers

From Hymns

From Christian scholars

From non-Christian scholars

From the Quran

"To those whom we gave the Scripture (Jews and Christians) recognise him (Muhammed) as they recognise their sons. But verily, a party of them conceal the truth while they know it - which are written in the Torah and in the Gospel." - Surah 2:146
