Gospel Standard Strict Baptists

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The Gospel Standard Strict Baptists, sometimes called Gospel Standard Baptists, or Gadsbyites, are a group of Strict Baptists who originated in the 19th century from their association with the Gospel Standard Magazine. As of July 2023, there were seventy-nine chapels located in the United Kingdom, three in the United States, two in Canada, and two in Australia.[1]


The Gospel Standard Baptists have their roots in the early English Particular Baptist tradition.


Gospel Standard Baptists are generally aligned with the Second London Baptist Confession (1689) and the Gospel Standard Articles of Faith.[2]

They are often accused of Hyper-Calvinism, since they deny the Free Offer of the Gospel and Duty-Faith, and Antinomianism, because they deny that the Moral Law is a rule of conduct to believers.

See also

Prominent People


  1. List of Chapels, Time of Services and Chapel Correspondents. Gospel Standard Magazine. Accessed 11/02/2024.
  2. Articles of Faith and Rules (2019). Gospel Standard Trust Publications. Accessed 11/02/2024.

Further Reading

  • Dix, Kenneth (2001). Strict and Particular: English Strict and Particular Baptists in the Nineteenth Century. ISBN: 978-0903166317
  • Gosden, J.H. (1993). What Gospel Standard Baptists Believe. ISBN 978-0951079614.

External Links