R. A. Miller
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R. A. Miller is a Christian author. Formerly, Miller pastored a church in Sarasota, FL from 2019-2022[1]. Currently, Miller runs the website Church History Database[2]. Miller has also published several articles for various Reformed publications.
Articles Published
- “Four Types of Fools,” G3, 2023.
- “Watson’s Recipe for Repentance,” G3, 2023.
- “When Mourning Becomes Excessive,” Reformation Today, 2023.
- “Creeds as Helps,” AP (Formerly Australian Presbyterian), 2023.
- “Hugh Martin: The Persevering Penman,” Reformation Today, 2023.
- “The Hodge Children and Missions,” AP (Formerly Australian Presbyterian), 2022.
- “Beware A False Assurance,” AP (Formerly Australian Presbyterian), 2022.
- “James Durham’s Discourse on Division,” AP (Formerly Australian Presbyterian), 2022.
- “The Fascinating Story of John Brown of Haddington,” Evangelicals Now, 2022.