Christ Fellowship Particular Baptist Chapel (Paris, Tennessee)

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Christ Fellowship Particular Baptist Chapel (also known as Christ Fellowship PBC or CFPBC) is a reformed baptist church located in Paris, Tennessee. Founded in January, 2021, Christ Fellowship BC seeks to "worship God and exalt the Lord Jesus Christ."


Christ Fellowship Particular Baptist Chapel has been led by Kenneth Glisch since its founding. He and his wife, Abigail, have one son John Keach. Ken has undergraduate degrees in theology and is currently pursuing a Master of Divinity from Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary.

In his spare time he enjoys reading theology, fishing, and bluegrass music.

Statement of Faith

Christ Fellowship PBC subscribes to the 1689 Second London Baptist Confession as the fullest expression of their faith. They also affirm the 1833 Particular Baptist Confession of Faith.


Christ Fellowship PBC practices the congregational singing of psalms and hymns, and gospel-centered, expositional preaching.

They believe a church should worship God as a family and be known by their brotherly love towards each other.