G3 Ministries

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G3 Ministries (or simply "G3") is a Reformed Baptist ministry organization in the United States. The ministry organization was formally formed in 2020 during the COVID-19 Pandemic, and is most widely known for hosting the G3 Conference (Gospel – Grace – Glory) that has been held since 2013. The ministry says that its goal is to educate, encourage, and equip local churches with sound biblical theology. The Founder and current President of the organization is Josh Buice.

The G3 Conference held its first conference in 2013 in Douglasville, Georgia on the campus of Pray's Mill Baptist Church, where the Founder and current President Josh Buice has served as Pastor since 2010. The conference originally was held on an annual basis with several hundreds of attendees, but has since grown in conference attendance numbers to have several thousands of attendees. Since the formation of G3 Ministries in 2020, the conference is now held biennially (i.e. once every two years).

The conference has grown to become one of the larger evangelical Christian conferences (and the largest Reformed Baptist conference) in the United States and globally. The conference has featured multiple notable figures in Christianity as conference speakers, including John MacArthur, Voddie Baucham, James White, Ken Ham, and Steven Lawson.

G3 Ministries has operated G3 Press since its founding in 2020, and has released book publications on theological, doctrinal, and other Christian-related topics. G3 Ministries also operates a network of Reformed Baptist churches known as the G3 Church Network, which includes a number of churches who have left the Southern Baptist Convention following the exit of Pray's Mill Baptist Church, which is pastored by G3's Founder and current President Josh Buice.