Darrell B. Harrison

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Darrell B. Harrison
Birth Name Darrell Bernard Harrison
Birth Date February 26 (age unknown)
Hometown Atlanta, Georgia
Residency Gilbert, Arizona
Affiliation(s) Just Thinking (podcast), Redeemer Bible Church (Gilbert, Arizona), Grace To You
Spouse(s) Tomeka "Tee Diane" Walker
Children 3
Website JustThinking.me

Darrell B. Harrison is a Christian podcaster and tradition. He is on staff at Redeemer Bible Church and he also serves as the Dean of Social Media at Grace to You, the media ministry of John MacArthur, pastor-teacher at Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, CA. Darrell operates a blog called “Just Thinking . . . for Myself” which, as of March 2022, has more than 74,000 subscribers. He is also lead host of the Just Thinking podcast along with co-host Virgil Walker, it is one of the most influential long-form Christian podcasts in the world, with more than 4.4 million episodes downloaded since its debut in December of 2017.

Darrell is a fellow of the Black Theology and Leadership Institute (BTLI) at Princeton Theological Seminary (PTS) in Princeton, New Jersey, and is a graduate of the Theology and Ministry program at PTS. Darrell is currently in the final phase of becoming certified as a biblical counselor with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC). He and his wife Melissa, who is also in the process of becoming certified with ACBC, reside in Valencia, California. Darrell and Melissa have three adult children, each of whom resides in their native state of Georgia.