Template:Infobox Christian leader: Difference between revisions

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{{Infobox Christian leader
| type            =
| honorific_prefix =
| name            =
| honorific_suffix =
| title            =
| image            =
| image_upright    =
| alt              =
| caption          =
| native_name      =
| native_name_lang =
| church          =
| archdiocese      =
| province        =
| metropolis      =
| diocese          =
| see              =
| elected          = <!-- or | appointed = -->
| term            = <!-- or term_start / term_end -->
| quashed          = <!-- or | retired = -->
| predecessor      =
| successor        =
| opposed          =
| other_post      =
<!---------- Orders ---------->
| ordination      =
| ordained_by      =
| consecration    =
| consecrated_by  =
| cardinal        =
| created_cardinal_by =
| rank            =
| laicized        =
<!---------- Personal details ---------->
| birth_name      =
| birth_date      = <!-- {{Birth date|YYYY|MM|DD}} -->
| baptised        = <!-- will not display if birth_date is entered -->
| birth_place      = <!-- City, administrative region, country (per [[Template:Infobox person]]) -->
| death_date      = <!-- {{Death date and age|YYYY|MM|DD|YYYY|MM|DD}} (death date then birth date) -->
| death_place      = <!-- as birth_place -->
| buried          = <!-- or | tomb = -->
| resting_place_coordinates =
| nationality      = <!-- use only when necessary per [[WP:INFONAT]] -->
| religion        =
| residence        =
| parents          = <!-- Names of parents; include only if they are independently notable or particularly relevant. -->
| spouse          = <!-- or | partner = -->
| children        =
| occupation      =
| profession      = <!-- or | previous_post = -->
| education        =
| alma_mater      =
| motto            =
| signature        =
| signature_alt    =
| coat_of_arms    =
| coat_of_arms_alt =
<!---------- Sainthood ---------->
| feast_day        =
| venerated        =
| saint_title      =
| beatified_date  =
| beatified_place  =
| beatified_by    =
| canonized_date  =
| canonized_place  =
| canonized_by    =
| attributes      =
| patronage        =
| shrine          =
| suppressed_date  =
<!---------- Other ---------->
| module          =
| module2          =
| other            =

Revision as of 09:46, 8 August 2024

Template loop detected: Template:Infobox Christian leader